Kimberly Lowe, a single mom, farmer, and policy advisor has worked extremely hard for well over a year and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on the Congressional race. She will be appealing the decision of the 9th District Republican Party Chair to the Virginia Department of Elections. She states this is a clear attempt by the party establishment to stop grassroots candidates who are for the people. The people in the 9th District are sick of a career politician who has not met the needs of the people much less passed any policy and a politician who just doesn’t show up. This is further an example of the good ol’ boys network attempting to stop a woman and to keep a hold on their establishment power. You can learn more about Kimberly Lowe and her policy initiatives at The primary will take place on June 21st, 2022 at your local polling station and Ms. Lowe is confident her appeal will be accepted.
An excerpt from the brief states “Upholding the Constitution and the integrity of our elections is one of the foundations of America. Not having a Virginia code that specifically allows the Department of Elections to force a party to follow Virginia election laws is a restriction upon the voter, the candidate, and the party while violating both the 1st and 14th Amendment.”
Kimberly Lowe states “now more than ever we must fight for election integrity from the bottom up. Since having been involved with the Republican party over the last four years I’ve seen time and time again election integrity issues from threatening candidates to blocking candidates to ballot stuffing at every level. Being silent isn’t going to fix the problem and the powers in the party have done nothing to address these issues, they essentially allow it to happen again and again.”
Lowe seeks relief from VA Supreme Court
On April 13, 2022 Lowe filed a Petition for a Writ of Mandamus to the Virginia Supreme Court seeking relief forcing the Republican Party of Virginia to follow Virginia election law and the US Constitution. Now more than ever we must protect the Constitution, our Democracy, this Republic, and our election process. Kimberly is a fighter, not a quitter, and won't be stopped! Read the Petition here: