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Policies Adversely Affecting Our Families

The average American family is struggling under the current economy and with policies set to erode the core of the family. You can see the well thought out Marxist plan to destroy the country which includes the destruction of the family. This plan starts with removing God in all aspects particularly in education, indoctrination of students over generations in government run schools, and by creating a family Civil Court system created to weaken and separate the family resulting in the destruction of the nuclear family. We also see economic policies which make Americans rely on the government just to make ends meet which equates to more and more government control set up to snatch our freedoms.

According to the American Psychological Association approximately 40-50 % of first time marriages end in divorce and even higher with 60-70% of second marriages. When one signs a marriage contract, you sign a contract with the State and the State then determines divorce outcomes from your assets to when and how you see your own children or when grandparents can see their grandchildren. The courts have effectively been weaponized to bring harm to our families resulting in an estimated 50 billion dollar business. The statistics 10 years ago was that more than 22 million American families had been separated due to poor family court decisions meaning a mom or a dad or grandparent never got to see their children or grandchildren again and almost 1,000 children have been murdered by their abuser across the country when a judge ordered children be placed back with an abuser. Horrors are also occurring in military courts in which the chain of command to get help in rape and sexual abuse is too cumbersome and deaths have resulted because help was not quick enough and children are being placed back with their abuser who was sexually assaulting their children in order to not bring harm to active military duty members. It’s in both of these courts where laws and the Constitution are not followed, there is no accountability, parents lose any parental rights, and families lose both their property and children, and children are being placed in harms way from being abused to murdered.

Further there are policies which have led to a high removal rate of children by the government in the United States. We are currently losing one child per minute to the government through false accusations and CPS (Child Protective Services) due to acts such as the Adoption and Safe Family Act in which removing children from their homes is financially incentivized. We spend over 29 billion dollars in tax payer funds removing children from homes predominantly based on false accusations and no due process rather than reallocating funds to address housing stability, generational poverty, mental health access, and opioid addiction treatment. Just because children are removed from their homes does not mean they are going into a safer environment. Children removed from their homes are statistically more likely to be abused, sexually assaulted, and trafficked. 98% of children who are sex trafficking survivors had previous involvement with child welfare services. An estimated 55 foster children disappear per day. Many states don’t even know how many children they have in foster care or where they are while parents fight diligently to try to get their children home.

The father has systematically been removed over time from homes as it is a government financial incentive if men are not present in the raising of our children and moms are being removed at a high rate in family courts across the country. Separating American families results in long term trauma which then results in higher crime rates, higher incarceration rates, poorer school outcomes, and chronic illness while costing the American public billions of dollars. [A study by researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed estimates using 2015 data for the cost of child maltreatment in the United States. For nonfatal incidents of child maltreatment, the researchers estimated a lifetime cost of $831,000 per child, and for fatal incidents of child maltreatment, it estimated a lifetime cost of $16.6 million per child (Peterson, Florence, & Klevens, 2018). It appraised the annual cost of nonfatal child maltreatment in the United States to be $428 billion (based on the number of substantiated cases of nonfatal maltreatment) or $2 trillion (based on the number of investigated instances of nonfatal maltreatment). The costs in this study include both tangible costs (e.g., child welfare, health care, juvenile justice) and intangible costs (e.g., pain, suffering, grief).]

We need to make the American family as strong as possible. By reforming our courts to be Constitutional courts with oversight and by reallocating funds in poor policies, we can create happy and strong families with less child abuse and child trafficking which leads to a more stabile America where all can pursue a life of liberty and happiness.

(Further detail for future post - reallocate Title IVe funds to Title IVb in ASFA - Adoption and Safe Family Act, get States to implement the Family First Preservation Act, reform anonymous calling which has results in false accusations, reform courts with accountability)

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